Everlasting Light

The Sydney Opera House at sunset one night.

The Sydney Opera House at sunset one night.

And now for something completely different!

I attended a sunset Instameet at Mrs Macquaries Chair a few months ago, but there was not a cloud in the sky. I've shot the Opera House and Harbour Bridge from this spot a few times before, and never with any cloud just due to timings. In case you can't tell, I don't really plan - I'm more of a turn up and see what happens kinda guy. And evidently that doesn't really work out for me...

As the sunset was promising to be pretty boring, but still deliver on some rich tones, I decided to give Intentional Camera Movement a shot.

To do this, I moved my camera during the exposures to try and capture a creative or artistic effect and by doing so producing an apparent streaking in the resulting image.

Generally you do this handheld and you make quick sharp movements with an exposure of anywhere between 1/3 of a second to 2 seconds, but this particular shot was done by doing a curved pan with an exposure of 1 second.

I quite like the result of this attempt - I feel like the lines of the Harbour Bridge are like a wave washing over the sails of the Opera House.

Have you tried Intentional Camera Movement before?

The details for this image are:

  • Nikon D750 with Nikon 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G VR

  • Sirui W-1204 tripod with K-20x Ball Head⁣

  • 1s

  • f/11

  • ISO50


Floating Vibes


Your Ghost